Training Information

We are pleased to announce that SAS will be offering training both before and after the conference.
In addition, MWSUG will also be providing the following training:

2006 Pre- and Post-Conference Training Courses

All courses include course notes. Scroll down for instructor iographies.

ID #10A DATE: Saturday 10/21/2006 TIME: 8:00 AM - Noon Half Day
Introduction to Java for SAS Programmers, Part I
Java is one of the hottest programming languages around and promises to be even more exciting as the SAS System migrates away from its proprietary SCL language to the standards-based Java language. Today, SAS programmers can take advantage of Java applications - both client and server-side - for exploiting SAS data and analytic services. This course is designed for SAS programmers who want to understand not only the fundamentals, but also its importance, uses, strengths and weaknesses.
Part I:In the first part, we will lay the groundwork for Java by writing practical programs that build on some fundamental concepts. Here, participants will learn the basics of the Java language and how it relates to OO programming and the Object Model. This course has been carefully designed with SAS programmers in mind and should provide a framework for further study for those wishing to move on to professional Java programming environments.
Instructor: Greg Nelson, Thotwave Technology

ID #10B DATE: Saturday 10/21/2006 TIME: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Half Day
Developing Java Applications, Part II
Java is one of the hottest programming languages around and promises to be even more exciting as the SAS System migrates away from its proprietary SCL language to the standards-based Java language. Today, SAS programmers can take advantage of Java applications - both client and server-side - for exploiting SAS data and analytic services. This course is designed for SAS programmers who want to understand not only the fundamentals, but also its importance, uses, strengths and weaknesses.
Part II: This is the second of a two-part course in Java for SAS Programmers. In this section, participants will apply what they learned about the Java language, Object Oriented Programming and Web technologies to actually design and build a functional application using AppDev Studio (SAS’ Development environment for Java applications). Here, we will develop a series of reusable objects that can be used to access SAS datasets, submit SAS programs, display results in both graphical and textual formats and even create a data entry screen using WebAF. In addition, some attention will be given to issues of security and architectures and choices of technologies when implementing Java applications.
Instructor: Greg Nelson, Thotwave Technology

ID #11A DATE: Saturday 10/21/2006 TIME: 8:00 AM - Noon Half Day
The Nitty-Gritty of PROC REPORT
One of the most powerful PROCs in SAS is PROC REPORT. Just this one procedure does the yeoman's work of PROC PRINT, SORT, FREQ, MEANS, and TABULATE, and PUT-Statement Formatting (DATA _NULL_) combined. This seminar is for anyone interested in getting started with PROC REPORT. Through examples, it completely examines how to produce listings through the PRINT, SORT and DATA _NULL_ aspects of PROC REPORT. It also provides an introduction into the FREQ, MEANS and TABULATE aspects of PROC REPORT. The workshop briefly looks at ODS, but suggests an alternative way to create DOC files. Come experience what PROC REPORT can do for your SAS programming.
Instructor: Mal Foley

ID #11B DATE: Saturday 10/21/2006 TIME: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Half Day
Merging, Combining, and Subsetting SAS Datasets
This seminar discusses over 30 common errors in merging, combining, or otherwise manipulating data. All of these errors result in erroneous data. Most of them occur with no SAS message or warning! In addition to examining errors, this covers a wide range of topics such as interleaving, subsetting, concatenations, the IN= data set option, BY groups, FIRST.variable, program data vectors (PDV), finding duplicate records, collapsing files, overlapping variables, random access, Cartesian products, one-to-one merges, match merges, and fuzzy merges. The workshop starts with the basics and continues to build up to complex and tricky examples of data set manipulation. The only prerequisite for the course is a working knowledge of the SAS DATA Step.
Instructor: Mal Foley

ID #12 DATE: Saturday 10/21/2006 TIME: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Full Day
Basic Statistical Concepts
A basic idea is that much of the logic of statistics is very understandable if the material is presented using examples that are familiar to the student. This allows the student to bring their life experience to bear on understanding the material. Examples used are of common processes and generally make fun of the instructor. Animations allow the material to be presented in pictures, as well as formulas and words. Material is presented in such a way that all the different student learning styles are engaged and learning is faster. Topics covered include hypothesis testing, one way and two way analysis of variance, interactions, regression, and Fisher’s exact and CMH tests.
Instructor: Russ Lavery

ID #13A DATE: Saturday 10/21/2006 TIME: 8:00 AM - Noon Half Day
Output Delivery System Tips and Techniques
Are you looking for ways to improve the way your SAS® output appears? Output Delivery System (ODS) can help turn tired-looking output into great looking information with a purpose. ODS introduces exciting new features for your output. Gone are the days when the only available formatting choice are boring output listings containing lifeless monospace fonts. Using built-in format engines, ODS provides SAS users with a powerhouse of new and exciting capabilities to produce “quality” and publishable output. This presentation will show users how to select only the output of interest using selection lists. Users will then see how ODS is used to send selected output to open output destinations including RTF, MS Excel spreadsheets, PDF, HTML, SAS data sets, XML, as well as traditional output.
Instructor: Kirk Paul Lafler, Software Intelligence Corporation

ID #13B DATE: Saturday 10/21/2006 TIME: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Half Day
SAS ® Macro Programming Tips and Tricks
The SAS® Macro Language is a powerful tool for extending the capabilities of the SAS System. This seminar presents numerous tips and tricks in the construction of effective macros through the demonstration of a collection of proven Macro Language coding techniques. Attendees learn how to process statements containing macros; replace text strings with macro variables; generate SAS code using macros; combine macro variable references with text; manipulate macro variable values with macro functions; compile and execute a compiled macro; handle global and local variables; construct arithmetic and logical expressions; use macro quoting functions; interface the macro language with other languages including the DATA step and SQL procedure; store and reuse macros; troubleshoot and debug macros; and develop efficient and portable macro language code.
Instructor: Kirk Paul Lafler, Software Intelligence Corporation

ID #14A DATE: Sunday 10/22/2006 TIME: 8:00 AM - Noon Half Day
Intermediate ODS: Formatting ODS Output
ODS, or the Output Delivery System, was a major milestone in the development of SAS. With ODS, we now have the ability to programmatically control the content, structure and format of how SAS renders content from any Procedure and Data Step. Most uses of ODS have centered on its ability to take structured output from SAS - normally thought of as the SAS listing - and redirect it to other formats such as HTML, PDF, and RTF. This course is designed for SAS programmers who want to understand not only the fundamentals, but also expand on ODS’ importance, uses, strengths and learn how to exploit ODS for managing complex content.
In the first part, we will lay the groundwork for ODS by summarizing the ways that ODS can be used to generate output, what options are available as output targets and understand the limitations of each. Next, by building on your existing knowledge of ODS, we will write some practical programs that give us control over appearance and style. We will use our knowledge of Proc Report, Proc Print and Proc Tabulate to produce heavily customized reports. In addition to understanding STYLE= syntax and STYLE templates, we will learn about using TABLE TEMPLATES with procedures and the DATA step. Finally, we will introduce students to the concepts of ODS MARKUP for creating tagsets used in HTML and XML document generation.
Instructor: Greg Nelson, Thotwave Technology

ID #14B DATE: Sunday 10/22/2006 TIME: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Half Day
Advanced ODS: Understanding ODS Objects
ODS or the Output Delivery System was a major milestone in the development of SAS. With ODS, we now have the ability to programmatically control the content, structure and format of how SAS renders content from any Procedure and Data Step. Most uses of ODS have centered on its ability to take structured output from SAS - normally thought of as the SAS listing - and redirect it to other formats such as HTML, PDF, and RTF. This course is designed for SAS programmers who want to understand not only the fundamentals, but also expand on ODS’ importance, uses, strengths and learn how to exploit ODS for managing complex content.
This is the second of a two-part course in ODS for SAS Programmers. In this section, participants will apply what they learned about the ODS and stylizing output to developing complex reports using ODS objects. Here, participants will learn the ODS and how it relates to OO programming and the Object Model by exploring the ODS objects that are available to us as programmers. Here, we will develop a series of reusable programs that can be used to access metadata and output from procedures to create specifically designed reports that combine text, tables and graphics. By using ODS LAYOUT and ODS GRAPHICS, we will focus on how customized reporting can easily be accomplished. In addition, we will explore output objects that are not normally available as part of the standard SAS listing or output datasets provided for by the PROCS. Finally, we will provide several case studies in taking output that was created in part I and generate the content so that it is usable in Microsoft Office tools such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
Instructor: Greg Nelson, Thotwave Technology

ID #15 DATE: Sunday 10/22/2006 TIME: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Full Day
Introduction to Enterprise Guide
Students who take this course will learn a lot about the SAS System and especially Enterprise Guide. This understanding will help the student to write more efficient programs as well as utilize more features of the SAS System through the point and click interface of Enterprise Guide.
Instructor: Ben Cochran, The Bedford Group

ID #16A DATE: Sunday 10/22/2006 TIME: 8:00 AM - Noon Half Day
An Animated Guide: A CDISC Sandbox
This course is targeted towards programmers who have some Pharma experience but have not had a chance to work on a CDISC submission. This problem based class will take an imaginary study and track the data from the Case Report Form (CRF) through the data sets that could be submitted to the FDA to a few tables and listings. Attendees will leave with copies of the CRF and CDISC complaint data sets. Proc CDISC will be demonstrated.
Instructor: Russ Lavery

ID #16B DATE: Sunday 10/22/2006 TIME: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Half Day
An Animated Guide: PROC TRANSPOSE & Transposing with the Data Step
Transpose is the key to normalizing and denormalizing data and can be a key tool in working with relational databases. This course is for those programmers who may or may not be familiar with the Transpose procedure. Students will learn how to identify which variables to transpose and working with key variables.
Instructor: Russ Lavery

ID #17A DATE: Sunday 10/22/2006 TIME: 8:00 AM - Noon Half Day
PROC SQL: Beyond the Basics
Expand your PROC SQL skills beyond the basics with this Advanced PROC SQL Programming Techniques seminar. Numerous examples of this powerful language will be presented to improve a user’s mastery of the language while providing a better understanding of the language details to perform more complicated tasks. Topics include using case expressions, accessing dictionary tables, interfacing PROC SQL with the Macro facility, implementing table integrity constraints, undocumented and hard-to-find PROC SQL features, performing complex queries with joins and set operators, strategies for creating and using views, debugging techniques including many documented and undocumented features, and performance tuning strategies.
Instructor: Kirk Paul Lafler, Software Intelligence Corporation

ID #17B DATE: Sunday 10/22/2006 TIME: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Half Day
Advanced SAS Programming Techniques
SAS users who have acquired basic skills presented in a SAS Software Basics course and want to expand their knowledge in the DATA step as a programming language will want to attend the Advanced SAS Programming Techniques seminar. Attendees learn complex programming topics and techniques in the areas of data access, data manipulation, data management, data presentation, and much more. Topics include DATA step programming techniques including reading a variety of file formats; using column and line pointers; specifying system and language options; coding loops, ranges, and arrays; using operators and modifiers; testing and debugging techniques; reshaping columns of data; techniques on managing data; custom report writing techniques; and integrating ODS for improved output.
Instructor: Kirk Paul Lafler, Software Intelligence Corporation

ID #18 DATE: Wednesday 10/25/2006 TIME: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Full Day
Exploratory Graphical Data Analysis
Data exploration and graphical data analysis methods stress visualization to thoroughly study the structure of data and to check the validity of statistical model fit to the data. This full-day course covers fundamental concepts for understanding and successfully applying data exploration and graphical data analysis methods by using the powerful user-friendly SAS macro applications. These concepts will be illustrated via downloadable SAS macro files. The participants will learn data exploration and graphical data analysis methods used in exploratory factor analysis, k-mean cluster analysis, multiple and logistic regression, and discriminant analysis. This workshop is intended for data analysts, predictive modelers, statistical consultants, and bio-statisticians, in advanced training in data exploration and graphical data analysis methods for increasing the effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity of research and development. Participants are required to have an understanding in basic statistical methods and an introductory working knowledge in SAS systems
Instructor: George Fernandez, University of Nevada Reno

ID #19 DATE: Wednesday 10/25/2006 TIME: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Full Day
Using Functions and Arrays to Manipulate Data with the SAS System
This course will explore the DATA step and tools that can be used to manipulate data. Topics that will be covered include functions that can be used with numeric and character data, DO loops, and arrays.
Instructor: Ben Cochran, The Bedford Group


Ben Cochran
After more than 11 years with SAS Institute, Ben Cochran now heads his own consulting and SAS Training business, The Bedford Group. Ben has authored and presented several papers at SAS Users Group International Conferences, his most recent one being “Using the Passthrough Facility in PROC SQL to Access Sybase Tables” (Indianapolis, 2000).

Prof George C.J. Fernandez
Prof George C.J. Fernandez currently serves as the statistician for the Nevada Experimental station and Cooperative Extension. He has more than 20 years of experience in teaching courses such as introductory statistical methods, design and analysis of experiments, linear and non-linear regression, multivariate statistical methods and SAS programming. He is a professional SAS programmer and has over 22 years experience in many statistical and graphical SAS modules. He has won best paper and poster presentation awards at the regional and international conferences. He has presented several invited full-day workshops on "Applications of user-friendly statistical methods in Data mining: American Statistical Association Joint meeting in Atlanta (2001), Western SAS users Conference in Arizona (2000), in San Diego (2002),and San Jose (2005), 56th Deming's conference, Atlantic City (2003), Key-note Speaker and workshop presenter, 16th Conference on Applied Statistics, Kansas State University. Many international and national SAS users are currently using his user-friendly SAS applications for data analysis via on-line. He has also organized 7th Western Users of SAS conference (WUSS) at Los Angeles in 1999 and served as the section chair, SUGI31. His book on "Data mining using SAS applications" (CRC press / Chapman Hall) contains many user-friendly SAS macro-applications.

Steven First
Steven First, President and Owner of Systems Seminar Consultants, Inc. is one of the countries foremost experts in SAS applications and support. One of the early pioneers to recognize the power of SAS software and stay with it, Steve’s commitment to quality and customer service has resulted in a profitable, successful, and fast growing business. Steve has established a reputation for making his clients’ work easier, not more complicated. His experience with SAS since 1976 includes manufacturing, government, university, and financial applications. Consulting specialty areas include ISPF, DB2, MVS JCL, SAS Macro and AF systems, SAS installation, SAS/Graph mapping and graphic systems, and security and data management.

Mal Foley
Malachy J. Foley is a senior SAS Programmer/Analyst in the Department of Biostatistics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Mal has worked with all types of data for more than 30 years. His career in computing includes being an international consultant, a department manager, a university professor, and a CEO. He has consulted to IBM, Dow Chemical, Ford-Rockefeller Foundation, United Nations, GE, Department of Agriculture, Agency for International Development, GSK, Research Triangle Institutes and many universities. He has taught dozens of computing courses at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels. He frequently presents papers and gives seminars at local, regional, national and international SAS users’ groups.

Gerald Frey
Gerald Frey joined Systems Seminar Consultants, Inc. in 1999 as a SAS ® Instructor and 4 Consultant. He has over 10 years of programming and consulting experience in mainframe applications and development with a background in the financial services, insurance and health care industries. He is actively involved in SAS training. Gerald graduated from DeVry Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems and a minor in Business Accounting. Professional associations include various local and regional SAS Users Groups. Gerald is also a SAS Certified Professional V8.

Rosalind Gusinow
Rosalind Gusinow joined Systems Seminar Consultants, Inc. in 1996 as a consultant and trainer. Rosalind is a seasoned IT professional with a broad and deep background in mainframe systems authoring, reporting, and help desk support. As a consultant at SSC, her work included risk reporting systems, health insurance subscriber management systems, SAS/AF reporting systems, SAS/IntrNet development, accessing relational databases, and strategic acquisition support. She has worked at various industries including financial, health care, insurance, manufacturing, and marketing. Rosalind has a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with a Minor in Education from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Kirk Paul Lafler
Kirk Paul Lafler is consultant and founder of Software Intelligence Corporation and has been programming in SAS since 1979. As a SAS Certified Professional and SAS Institute Alliance Member (1996 - 2002), Kirk provides IT consulting services and training to SAS users around the world. He has written four books including PROC SQL: Beyond the Basics Using SAS by SAS Institute, Power SAS and Power AOL by Apress, as well as more than one hundred peer-reviewed papers and articles. Kirk is a frequent invited speaker at International, Regional, and Local SAS User Group Conferences. He also writes a popular SAS Tips column called Kirk’s Korner that appears regularly in the BASAS, HASUG, SANDS, SAS Institute, SESUG, and WUSS Newsletters and websites.

Russ Lavery
Russ is a frequent and award winning presenter at many SAS User Group International conferences. He fell in love with SAS in 1985 and is now an independent SAS contractor. He is the creator of the ‘An Animated Guide’ series of talks on SAS and statistical topics.

Greg Nelson
As President and CEO of ThotWave Technologies, Mr. Nelson leads software development activities and oversees the design, testing, and implementation of application development services. Mr. Nelson joined ThotWave with over 19 years of experience in market research, database marketing, systems development and project management. Currently, Greg is responsible for developing ThotWave’s service offerings for reporting and analysis applications in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.

Teresa Schudrowitz
Teresa joined Systems Seminar Consultants, Inc. as a Trainer and Project Manager in the spring of 2000 bringing the company valuable knowledge and experience in providing technical software-related consulting and training services to large corporations. Since 1997, SAS has been an integral part of Teresa’s daily activities. Her experience ranges from data conversion, report writing, web-development and production support to coaching and helping associates to fully understand their own code. Teresa also has experience developing and instructing software training courses for beginning and experienced programmers. Her teaching experience ranges from providing very basic SAS language instruction to non-data processing employees to instructing experienced programmers to understand and take full advantage of complex and advanced procedures. At Systems Seminar Consultants, Teresa provides SAS software training and consulting services to large corporations and government agencies. Projects include systems development, report packaging, ad hoc user and production support, and end-user training.

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