MWSUG 2024 Conference Proceedings
Waukesha, Wisconsin
November 17-19, 2024
Analysis & Advanced Analytics
AL-027. Calculating Cardinality Ratio in Two StepsRonald Fehd, Fragile-Free Software
AL-035. The Everytown Research database: Using SAS® analytic procedures to analyze mass shootings
Jayanth Iyengar, Data Systems Consultants LLC
AL-043. %SURVEYCANCORR Macro: Canonical Correlation for Complex Survey Data
Mark Pickering, Indiana University-School of Public Health, Bloomington
Taylor Lewis, George Mason University-Department of Statistics
Raul Cruz, Indiana University-School of Public Health, Bloomington
AL-046. Teaching Your Computer to See: Using Computer Vision to Detect Defects
Scott Koval, Pinnacle Solutions, Inc
AL-049. Evaluating Internal Consistency of Questionnaire Data
Yida Bao, University of Wisconsin Stout
Zheng Zhang, Murray State University
Jiafeng Ye, Auburn University
AL-051. What if Proc Power Can't Help? Calculating Power via Simulation, Example with Count Regression
Brandy Sinco, University of Michigan
Joceline Vu, Temple University
Pasithorn Suwanabol, University of Michigan
AL-058. Developing Artificial and Convolutional Neural Networks with Python's Keras API for TensorFlow
Ryan Paul Lafler, Premier Analytics Consulting, LLC
Anna Wade, Premier Analytics Consulting, LLC
AL-059. Charting Your Organization's Machine Learning Roadmap
Ryan Paul Lafler, Premier Analytics Consulting, LLC
AL-061. Revelation and Exploration for COVID-19 Data: Visual Data Insights™ and an InfoGeographic Atlas
LeRoy Bessler, Bessler Consulting and Research
AL-070. The Business Value of Diversity Combined with Data Science
Stephen Sloan, Dawson D R
AL-089. Getting Started with SAS Visual Statistics
(No paper available)
Melodie Rush, SAS
AL-090. Introduction to Machine Learning in SAS
Melodie Rush, SAS
AL-091. Using SAS/STAT: A Gentle Introduction to Some Frequently Used Tools
Melodie Rush, SAS
AL-096. Making Text Analytics More Approachable: From Traditional to Generative AI for Business Applications.
*** BEST PAPER ***
Vikranth Reddy Chapaala, Oklahoma State University
Anything Data
AD-004. Data Literacy 101: Understanding Data and Extracting InsightsKirk Paul Lafler, SasNerd
AD-020. Using LaTeX document class sugconf to write your paper
Ronald Fehd, Fragile-Free Software
AD-023. Q&A with the macro maven: is sql our lingua franca?
Ronald Fehd, Fragile-Free Software
AD-048. Using SAS To Manage And Maintain Your Data Repository
Jose Centeno, NORC at the University of Chicago
AD-056. Creating and Customizing High-Impact Excel Workbooks from SAS with ODS EXCEL
Josh Horstman, Nested Loop Consulting
AD-060. Bessler's Principles of Communication-Effective Data Visualization
LeRoy Bessler, Bessler Consulting and Research
AD-066. Using SAS I/O Functions to Retrieve External Metadata
*** BEST PAPER ***
Jake Reeser, NORC
AD-076. Stacking Up: Horizontal or Vertical with PROC SQL or DATA Step
Charu Shankar, SAS
AD-078. SAS, SQL, R and Python: We're All Friends
(No paper available)
Joe Madden, SAS
AD-079. Going from SAS v9 Programming to SAS Viya Programming: What's the Same, What's Different
(No paper available)
John LaBore, SAS
AD-080. PROC COMPARE: More Than Just the Bottom Line
(No paper available)
John LaBore, SAS
AD-087. Fuzzy Matching with PROC SQL
(No paper available)
Marty Hultgren, SAS
AD-102. Vaping Trends: Analyzing Patterns and Predictive Factors in Electronic Cigarette Use among American Youth
Medha Haldar, Oklahoma State University
Carol Antony, Oklahoma State University
Rishanki Jain, Providence
Basics and Beyond
BB-011. A General Review of Fuzzy Matching Techniques and Their Capabilities Using SAS®Kirk Paul Lafler, SasNerd
BB-016. What's Your Favorite Color? Controlling the Appearance of a Graph
Richann Watson, DataRich Consulting
BB-017. Just Stringing Along: FIND Your Way to Great User-Defined Functions
*** BEST PAPER ***
Richann Watson, DataRich Consulting
Louise Hadden, Independent Consultant
BB-018. An Animated Guide to Proc Report Internals
Russ Lavery, Contractor
BB-019. From Muggles to Macros: Transfiguring Your SAS® Programs With Dynamic, Data-Driven Wizardry
Josh Horstman, Nested Loop Consulting
Richann Watson, DataRich Consulting
BB-022. List Processing using SQL Select Into to Replace Call Symputx Creating Indexed Arrays of Macro Variables
Ronald Fehd, Fragile-Free Software
BB-030. %SEND_MSOFFICE_EMAIL - Pretty, Powerful, and Painless
Brooke Ellen Delgoffe, Marshfield Clinic Research Institute
BB-032. SAS® PROC GEOCODE By Example: A Case Study
Louise Hadden, Independent Consultant
BB-033. Looking for the Missing(ness) Piece
Louise Hadden, Independent Consultant
BB-040. An Introduction to Obtaining Test Statistics and P-Values from SAS® and R
Brian Varney, Experis
BB-041. Inventory your OS for Programming Information
Brian Varney, Experis
BB-042. Bring Your SAS and Python Worlds Together With SASPy!
Ted Conway, Self
BB-044. How to build custom macros in SAS: A step-by-step approach to translating your code into a custom macro
*** BEST PAPER ***
Sara Richter, Richter Statistical Services, LLC
BB-047. Existence is Fruitful: How to determine whether something exists in your SAS session
Erin O'Dea, NORC at the University of Chicago
BB-050. Building a SAS Data Viz Toolkit
Sara Richter, Richter Statistical Services, LLC
BB-052. Using SAS® to Consume Data from APIs
Jack Shoemaker, Medical Home Network
Somaiya Shakil, Medical Home Network
BB-054. Operator, Please? Making the Most of SAS Language Operators
Josh Horstman, Nested Loop Consulting
BB-067. Best Practices for Efficiency and Code Optimization in SAS® programming
Jayanth Iyengar, Data Systems Consultants LLC
BB-068. Bessler's Recommendations for Using Color in Web Pages, Graphs, Tables, Maps, Text, and Print
LeRoy Bessler, Bessler Consulting and Research
BB-069. Create Report with SAS Visual Analytics to Finish Your SAS Story
Shinya Kodama, NORC
BB-073. Confessions of a PROC SQL Instructor
Charu Shankar, SAS
BB-077. Top 10 SAS Efficiency Hacks
(No paper available)
Charu Shankar, SAS
BB-082. Taking the Mystery out of Macro's Two Most Confusing Topics
(No paper available)
Kevin Russell, SAS
BB-085. Five Easy Ways to Make Your SAS Code Run Faster
(No paper available)
Marty Hultgren, SAS
BB-093. Enhancing Your SAS Viya Workflows with Python: Integrating Python's Open-Source Libraries with SAS using PROC PYTHON
Ryan Paul Lafler, Premier Analytics Consulting, LLC
Miguel Bravo Martinez Del Valle, San Diego State University
BB-100. SAS Language Parser in Action
(No paper available)
Tong Wang, ProML Consulting LLC
Toni Zhang, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
BB-104. Making the Most of User-defined Formats
Sara Richter, Richter Statistical Services, LLC
BB-105. Visual Analytics 101: From ETL to Dashboard
Charu Shankar, SAS
Marty Hultgren, SAS
BB-106. %RepeatMaskoverFile
Paul Silver, NORC at University of Chicago
Business Leadership
BL-009. Soft Skills to Gain a Competitive Edge in the 21st Century Job MarketKirk Paul Lafler, SasNerd
BL-012. A Quick Start Guide to Writing a Technical or Research Paper
Kirk Paul Lafler, SasNerd
BL-014. Predicting the Impact of Storms on Utility Customers
David Corliss, Peace-Work
BL-036. SAS Job Searching and Interviewing tips – Strategies in the Post-Pandemic era
Jayanth Iyengar, Data Systems Consultants LLC
BL-057. Adventures in Independent Consulting: Perspectives from Two Veteran Consultants Living the Dream
Josh Horstman, Nested Loop Consulting
Richann Watson, DataRich Consulting
BL-065. Being A Statistical Expert Witness
David Corliss, Peace-Work
BL-074. How to Land Work as a SAS Professional
Charu Shankar, SAS
BL-094. Is your resume "RAW DATA" or does it convey useful information for Decision Support?
(No paper available)
Zeke Torres, Code629
BL-098. The Premium Pricing Dilemma
*** BEST PAPER ***
Sai Suresh Marreddy, Mr.
Kusuma Lanka, Ms.
BL-103. Simplify Complex SAS® Logic through the Power of Bit Level Data Comparison
Kent Phelps, Illuminator Coaching, Inc.
Ronda Phelps, Illuminator Coaching, Inc.
Hands-On Workshop
HW-013. Dashboards Made Easy Using SAS® SoftwareKirk Paul Lafler, SasNerd
HW-039. Complex Custom Clinical Graphs Step by Step with SAS® ODS Statistical Graphics
Richann Watson, DataRich Consulting
Josh Horstman, Nested Loop Consulting
HW-055. Advanced Topics in ODS Graphics: Annotations, Attribute Maps, and Axis Tables
(No paper available)
Josh Horstman, Nested Loop Consulting
HW-064. An Animated Guide to the Internals of GIT
Russ Lavery, Contractor
Pharma, Healthcare & More
PH-037. NHANES Dietary Supplement component: a parallel programming projectJayanth Iyengar, Data Systems Consultants LLC
PH-038. Harnessing the Power of PROC CONTENTS and SELECT INTO: SEPARATED BY
Yanfang Pang, AbbVie
PH-081. Tapping the Power of SAS PRX Functions
(No paper available)
John LaBore, SAS
PH-092. SAS Programming And Generic Techniques for Cohort Creation and Consort Diagrams
Brandy Sinco, University of Michigan
PH-097. Deploy a fresh new project folder based on the previous one using SAS® since you still havent gotten with GIT.
(No paper available)
Zeke Torres, Code629
PH-099. From Paper To Pedigrees: A Beginners Approach with SAS
*** BEST PAPER ***
Vijay Susmitha Bommini, Michigan Technological University